From Russia With News

The Troika Laundromat explained. And how Russia is dealing with returning Islamic State brides

Episode Summary

This week on From Russia With News, we discuss the explosive Troika Laundromat investigation with Paul Radu, the executive director of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, which revealed the scheme. We'll also talk to Guardian correspondent Andrew Roth on why the return of hundreds of women and children from Iraq and Syria has become a major problem for Russia

Episode Notes

From Russia With News is hosted by Jonathan Brown and produced by Pjotr Sauer. The episode was recorded and edited at CM Records Studios in central Moscow. Stay tuned for a new episode every Thursday on our site or here. Also available on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other audio platforms.

Go Deeper:

The Troika Laundromat

'We aren't dangerous': Why Chechnya has welcomed women who joined Isis

Troika Bank Scandal Exposed Global Failure to Prevent Money Laundering

This week's Meanwhile in Russia story: Muscovites Warned: Carry Umbrellas to Fend Off Crow Attacks