From Russia With News

Why Stalin Is making a comeback. And Russia's fast-growing ‘Youth Army’

Episode Summary

A record 70 percent of Russians approve of Soviet leader Josef Stalin’s role in Russian history, according to a recent poll. We speak to Denis Volkov from the Levada Center that conducted the poll about why the Soviet dictator is more popular than ever in Russia. In 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the foundation of Yunarmia — or Youth Army — a “youth military-patriotic movement” backed by Russia’s Defense Ministry. But what exactly does the Kremlin want with nearly half a million children and teenagers steeped in military and patriotic sentiment? We speak with Moscow Times reporter Evan Gershkovich who recently met some of its members and its critics.

Episode Notes

From Russia With News is hosted by Jonathan Brown]1 and produced by Pjotr Sauer. The episode was recorded and edited at CM Records Studios in central Moscow. Stay tuned for a new episode every Thursday on our site or here. Also available on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other audio platforms.

Go Deeper:

Stalin’s Approval Rating Among Russians Hits Record High – Poll

Russia’s Fast-Growing ‘Youth Army’ Aims to Breed Loyalty to the Fatherland

This week's meanwhile: Fake Robot Fools Football Audience in Russia