From Russia With News

Yekaterinburg revolts. Pompeo meets Putin. And Joshua Yaffe on a village doctor turned writer

Episode Summary

— Yekaterinburg, Russia’s fourth-largest city has been rocked by protests, as thousands of residents continue to defend a riverside park from plans to build a church on its grounds. We speak with Matthew Luxmore, a Radio Free Europe reporter on the ground and with Yekaterina Schulmann, a political scientist about the larger forces at play. — U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in Russia this week for direct talks with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and President Putin. We speak to Fyodor Lukyanov, a Kremlin focused foreign policy analyst, about whether the visit represents the beginning of a new chapter. — And finally, we have New Yorker correspondent Joshua Yaffa in the studio to discuss his recent profile of Maxim Osipov, a village doctor and writer whose work seems to capture the nuances and peculiarities of life in Russia.

Episode Notes

From Russia With News is hosted by Jonathan Brown and produced by Pjotr Sauer. The episode was recorded and edited at CM Records Studios in central Moscow. Stay tuned for a new episode every Thursday on our site or here. We're also available on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other audio platforms.

Read more:

Why Are Russians Clashing Over a New Cathedral in Yekaterinburg?

What Did Pompeo Discuss With Putin in Russia?

A Village Doctor’s Literary Calling