From Russia With News

Gay purge in Chechnya. And crumbling Soviet infrastructure.

Episode Summary

Yekaterina Sokirianskaya of the Conflict Analysis and Prevention Center explains why Ramzan Kadyrov’s crackdown on the LGBT community in Chechnya is unlikely to be stopped. And following a series of fatal gas explosions in apartment buildings this year, Maxim Trudolyubov explains what the authorities should be doing to shore up aging Soviet-era infrastructure.

Episode Notes

From Russia With News is hosted by Jonathan Brown and produced by Pjotr Sauer. The podcast is recorded and edited at CM Records Studios in central Moscow.

Go deeper:

Putin Has Given Chechnya Free Rein to Persecute LGBT People (Op-ed) by Natalia Prilutskaya

Magnitogorsk Explosion Touches Russia’s Raw Spots (Op-ed) by Maxim Trudolyubov

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